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Platelet Rich Fibrin (PRF)

The All Natural Solution For Facial Rejuvanation

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If you like the idea of an all natural solution to bothersome skin problems like dullness, wrinkles, hollow areas, dark under eye circles and collagen loss then let's sit down and talk. We listen to your concerns and together we will come up with a suitable treatment plan.

PRF is an all natural way to rejuvenate the face. 


We take a small amount of blood from your arm and then spin the blood in a centrifuge.


This spin separates the platelets, white blood cells and mesenchymal stem cells from the red blood cells. The platelets contain growth factors which stimulate collagen, the white blood cells create a controlled inflammatory response and the stem cells will reproduce the collagen and elastin that has been depleted with the aging process. We then re-inject the PRF back into the skin. Results are seen over time. 


When we heat the PRF a gel is formed. The gel form is now all natural filler with all the benefits of liquid PRF but instant and long term results. Whether to choose liquid or gel will be discussed prior to your treatment. 





  • With microneedling as a collagen booster and to speed healing. 


  • Full face rejuvenation with PRF Gel. 2 treatments 8 weeks apart. 


  • Under the eyes to fill hollow spaces, treat skin crepiness and reduce darkness under the eye.  (2-3 treatments needed). This treatment reduces some of the risks and complications of using filler under the eyes. We call this treatment Liquid Gold Eyes. 


  • In the lips it gives a gentle rejuvenating plump particularly for older lips that just need an anti-aging boost. Just ask for Liquid Gold Lips! 


  • In the scalp PRF will stimulate hair growth for those with thinning hair. 


  • Mixed with filler to boost the longevity of the filler, improve the quality of the skin and stimulate collagen. We call this our Filler/PRF Slushy because the result in the syringe looks like a strawberry slushy! 


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